From Eminem and Katy Perry to Cryptocurrency Girls, musicians step up to express themselves on Bitcoin. Some of the tracks are tearing up the music charts. Confess – how many of them have you heard?
Cryptocurrency songs
By now, there are a few dozen songs written about Bitcoin and the like. The list below includes the best-known tracks and those that deserve a mention for their creativity or oddity.
Gilfoyle’s Bitcoin Warning – Silicon Valley
Let’s start with the song that is as baffling as Bitcoin’s volatility. Like there is a play on words, here is a play on a peculiar sound alert (“You Suffer” by “Napalm Death”) that indicates Bitcoin’s rate dropping. This is not a typical song, as there is no melody. However, the sound of Bitcoin’s falling is, after all, a chorus to the planet’s efforts to mine cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency Girls – The Moon, the Cryptocurrency, and Me
The song by a seven-strong girls’ band is, basically, a fact checker on everything crypto. The girls, each named after an existing cryptocurrency, sing about ICO, the cost of electricity, the hard wallet, and that “accidents are inevitable”. The dancing routine reminds of the good old school days. This is a funny and light-hearted song.
Toby Ganger + Decap – Welcome to the Blockchain
Described by the rapper as the official Bitcoin song, its mission stretches far beyond the musical domain. Toby wants to educate the newcomers about all things crypto and, what is more, to show them what the future holds (spoiler: the future is crypto). The song is packed with market terminology and tells about the contemporary economic system.
Happycoin Club – Bitcoin Girl
A remake of Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl, this is a somewhat sad story of the would-be future where traditional coins, notes, and bank cards are not accepted. Instead, it’s all about Bitcoin and QR-codes, and unless you have these, you are an unlucky guy.
Bitcoin Dip – We Will Miss You
After the original Police’s I’ll Be Watching You and its cover by Puff Daddy (I’ll Be Missing You) welcome a clever take on this catchy tune. This is basically a music video by Puff Daddy interjected with references to global markets, other crypto players, and the new text lines laid over. A few extracts from a music video by a Russian artist are also included. Overall, this is a kind of parody of crypto.
Vitas – Seventh Element
The original song by the Latvian-Ukrainian singer appeared in 2015. Vitas plays an extraterrestrial character and does not sing anything intelligible in any language. The whole cosmic theme attracted the crypto community, and 2017 saw a covering music video with Bitcoin-themed lyrics. An extract from this video is included in We Will Miss You, where the face of Vitas is replaced with that of Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum.
1thousandx – Bitcoin Pls Go to Moon
This music video lasts one hour when the same lines and images are repeated over and over again. Whether it is mesmerizing or downright odd, the viewers decide for themselves.
CoinDaddy – Alt Season
Alt Season is a tale of the artist’s own ups and downs in dealing with crypto. Frankly, it does not sound very inspiring, but let’s not judge the song by its music. After all, CoinDaddy is one of the artists who make a real living off crypto.
Lil Windex – Bitcoin Ca$h
A Canadian rapper named after a cleaning product narrates the story of becoming rich quickly by mining crypto. In a flash he rises from rags to riches, getting himself a mansion, a wife, and a platinum toilet.
Bitcoins & Gravy – Ode to Satoshi
A funny, invigorating country tune immortalizes Satoshi Nakamoto – the anonymous creator of cryptocurrency. This is a rather fresh addition to a song list where many numbers have been recorded by rappers.

Crypto Karaoke – Blockchanian Rhapsody
Another cover of a world-famous song, this is a nod to the era of glam rock. It is a nice treat to The Queen’s and Freddy Mercury’s fans. The song does not steer far from a familiar rehash of pros and cons of cryptocurrency. Yet it very cleverly blends the original lyrics and vocals with the new words.
Bitcoin is not leaving any stone unturned on its way to world dominance. Through popular culture, especially music, it takes the stage by storm. Some singers are overly ecstatic about the crypto future. Others mock the people’s greed and indecisiveness. It is obvious, though, that Bitcoin history is painstakingly molded to make a room for cryptocurrency in people’s lives.